Pauline Calmé: Mask Workshop – May 2018

Pauline Calmé is a French improvisation teacher from Paris. She is a specialist in the use of mask and will be teaching a full-day workshop on Saturday,19th May 2018.

Pauline’s previous workshop sold out , but luckily for us, she is staying an extra week and is offering a full-day workshop on Saturday.

This is a great opportunity to work with an international teacher with a unique and inspirational approach. You don’t need to be an improviser to benefit from this workshop as the techniques and concepts taught are broadly applicable to all forms of performing arts.

Mastering the Mask

In this workshop, Pauline shares what she has learned, what she likes to play with, and her philosophy of performing in mask.

More about Pauline Calmé

Pauline is an experienced performer who has performed alongside famous Parisian improvisers such as Mark Jane, Les Eux, and internationals such as Omar Galvan and Patti Stiles. She has performed regularly with her company, Smoking Sofa, in their long-form improv show for over four years.

Working tirelessly to improve her art, Pauline practices masks with Trance Mask France and the physical theatre method of Ira Seidenstein.

Amongst her other work, Pauline also teaches improvisers how to go beyond gender stereotypes, helping them to recognise the stereotypes they are playing and to reveal what characters they can play but don’t. She offers ways in which we can find our own femininity and masculinity to play credible, deep, lovable or horrible characters.


“Pauline is an excellent colleague, classical actress and fully engaged physically and intellectually”
— Ira Seidenstein

“A rare talent. She is a smart improviser who can play with her instinct. She has a clear style, spontaneous, and gives off a positive energy”
— Mark Jane

“Pauline has a fearless spirit of play and is a generous improviser”
— Patti Stiles

Workshop Details and Booking Form

Dates / TimesSaturday, 19th May, 10am – 5pm (with a lunch break)
LocationOrange Studios
1063 Ferry Rd,
(next-door to Party World)!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2891.354563182615!2d172.70249661612374!3d-43.557494491618286!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x6d318a24c6949495%3A0x180e8c802475a3e3!2sOrange+Studios!5e0!3m2!1sen!2snz!4v1514848589216
Participantsmaximum 12
Booking Formbookings are closed


If you have any questions about this workshop, including applying for a cost reduction, please send a message using the contact form.