Christiane Brew: Storytelling – Nov 2019

Christiane Brew is a professional improvisor, storyteller, and actress based in Tokyo. She’s visiting NZ in November, so we’ve tempted her to come down to Christchurch to share some of her amazing depth of storytelling and improvisation knowledge with us.

There will be a half-day workshop on Saturday 16 November, and a full-day workshop on Sunday 17 November (with a possible show to follow).

Crafted Performance Storytelling

Saturday, 16 Nov, 9:30am – 12:30pm (3 hrs)

Finding and Building your Story for Performance.

Stories have been around for as long as there have been people. It’s how we communicate, engage, enthrall, and change audiences. Everyone has a story to tell, everyone has a story that needs to be heard.

This workshop focuses on finding and building a personal story for performance. We will use improv based based exercises, good old fashioned discussions, and solo work. The ultimate goal is to get you telling a fabulously awful rough 6min draft of a story that needs to be heard. There is zero pressure to be excellent. Storytelling is about having fun with words and sharing the experience.

You will leave with the following:

  • Techniques on how to find your story
  • Basic structure: beginning, middle, end
  • Plot points and their secret value
  • Basic performance techniques

Truthful Emotional Play

Sunday, 17 Nov, 10am – 5pm (6 hrs, w/ 1hr break)

Experience how to play using emotions to get out of your head.

Forget about who/what/where, emotions are where it’s at! Everyone has experience of their own emotions, so this workshop will give players the framework to experiment with projection using emotions. We’ll work on emotional projection in scene starts for long-form, how to use emotions effectively in short-form and games, and move onto coaching full scenes. Additionally, players will learn how to use the stage and stage positioning to heighten emotion and increase tension for both the characters and the audience.

Performance: We are looking into the option of also having a performance on the Sunday evening, so if you want to be in the show, please keep the time free.

More About Christiane

Christiane practices Johnstonian, Spolin and UCB methods, and she has performed improv and scripted plays on stages in Tokyo, NYC, Dubai, London, Hong Kong, Australia, Bangalore and Vancouver. She has taught in Tokyo, Bangalore and the UK. She produces storytelling, standup shows, and events in Tokyo.

Christiane’s recent global work has seen her in Japan’s favourite Shin-Godzilla movie, American Express and UNIQLO world-wide TV commercials; provided the voices for several game characters, and she is the face and body for another two world-wide video games for Kojima and Capcom. She feels she secured these because of her experience in improv.

Her secret superpower is listening and observing, be that when coaching or performing. A sponge that soaks everything in and plays it for the truth of the moment, not for easy laughs. And some say she’s naturally funny, though you’ll have to be the judge of that.

Workshop Details and Booking Form

Dates / TimesSaturday, 16 Nov, 9:30am – 12:30pm (3 hrs)
Sunday, 17 Nov, 10am – 5pm (6 hrs, w/ 1hr break)
LocationOriginal Scripts Theatre School
Common Room Building
Christchurch Arts Centre
2 Worcester Boulevard,

Participantsmax 12
CostSat only: $50Sun only: $90Both days: $125
Booking Formbookings are closed


If you have any questions about this workshop, including applying for a cost reduction, please send a message using the contact form.