Rahel Otsa: Dynamic Improv – March 2020

Rahel Otsa is a thoughtful and dynamic improviser who created one of the first improv theatres in Estonia, Jaa !mproteater; and is the main producer of the International Improv Festival Tilt in Tallinn. Before becoming hooked on improvisation, Rahel’s early focus was on classical theatre and the theatre of the oppressed. She combines all of these experiences to find new ways to approach improvisation. She is constantly looking for ways to make improvisation touch audiences’ hearts and minds with more than just laughter. Rahel firmly believes that well-told stories can change the world.


Sunday, 8 March, 10am – 1pm (3 hrs)

Experiencing the role in improv

Konstantin Stanislavski is acknowledged as one of the greats of the world of theatre. His method of “experiencing the role” is a core part of every actor’s training, and a powerful influence on all modern forms of acting.

His intention was to portray truthful characters, beyond using caricature and cliche’s, he taught his students to really live through the person. For a dramatic actor it is a long road to get to the essence of the character through text, directors guidelines, costumes, set-design, and so forth. For an improvising actor the road is easier because we are in charge of our own stories. Nevertheless we tend to get stuck in the director/playwright role and forget that the audience sees us mostly as actors on the stage.

In this workshop we explore different things that we can learn from this Russian great to make our characters really come alive on the stage and tell their stories themselves.

Meaningful Relationships, Beyond Romance

Sunday, 8 March, 2pm – 5pm (3 hrs)

Digging down to the less explored relationships

The best stories come from the relationships we see on stage. We often see stories about romantic love and its complications, while many of our more complex emotional stories go untold.

In this workshop, we explore other meaningful relationships and feelings, and how we can bring these to our audience — friendships that know no bounds, ex-partners raising a child together, a character worrying for someone, being proud of someone, being disgusted by someone, and so much more.

We look at different characters who we don’t get to see in the spotlight so often, and how people in these relationships play with status and each other. We listen to the things they tell each other and discover the things they are still hiding.

There are many stories out there we haven’t told yet. Let’s make room for them.\

More About Rahel

Rahel is the producer and artistic director of the Estonian international improv festival, Tilt. She travels broadly, and has performed and taught in Russia, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Australia, Vietnam, Singapore, Nepal, and Hong Kong.

More information at: https://rahelotsa.ee/in-english/

Workshop Details and Booking Form

Dates / TimesSunday, 8 March, 10am – 1pm: Stanislavski-style
Sunday, 8 March, 2pm – 5pm: Meaningful Relationships
LocationThe Addington Haven,
19 Church Square, Addington
(Corner of Grove Rd and Church Square)
Participantsmax 12
Cost1 workshop = $50
Both workshops = $90
Booking Formbookings are closed


If you have any questions about this workshop, including applying for a cost reduction, please send a message using the contact form.